Frequently Asked Questions
Student adoption means taking the sole responsibility of a student to fulfill his or her educational needs.
Any deserving student from NGO, rural areas, or underprivileged families can be adopted.
About AAS
AAS- Adopt A Student is a program which gives hope to the deserving students to fulfill their education needs. AAS is nothing but a ‘Ray of Hope’ instilling light into the lives of underprivileged and deprived students with a view to shed off the darkness of ignorance. A Hope that we have from almighty. But He cannot be everywhere, so He send helping hands for those in need. You are the Hope who can become a ray in their life. When you donate food, you feed an individual or a family for a time being, that’s just temporary support. However, when you feed someone with education, you are preparing them to fight the challenges and pave their own path to personal fulfilment and professional success. It will be like you are supporting them to learn fishing. Once they are educated they can be equipped to fulfill their needs and earn bread. Who knows one of them can reach the heights too.
“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”
The quote by Sydney J. Harris clearly describes the key objective of the program ‘Adopt A Student’ (AaS). AaS- “Adopt A Student” is the program to enhance the confidence of the deserving students from rural area or a poor background, in order to accomplish their educational goal with helping hand of some patron like you. In other words, it is the hope that underprivileged and deprived children pray to the almighty who plans His kindness through bighearted people as a ray of light to fulfill their dreams. Together, we can work to turn the mirror of these deserving and disadvantaged souls to windows so that they can have an endless view of the limitless sky.

“Small Actions, Lots of People, Kind Approach = Transformational Change”
SGR Knowledge Foundation appeals to you to be a part of this program with a view to fulfil the dreams of deserving under privileged students who could in turn be instrumental in bringing about the miraculous inter-generational change in the Society. Joining hands doing small actions with kind gestures hold the power and magic to reframe the world and carve a meaningful formation of the future world.
Why Adopt A Student?
“Donating Education is The Purest Blessing”
It is universally true that the education is a powerful tool which empowers to turn around one’s life. It makes people skilled and equips them to engage in meaningful professions. If one member of poor family is educated, it will certainly break the cycle of poverty which is there in generations. The children born in poor family are denied the opportunity to learn because of their financial constraints in spite their aptitude for learning. By way of extending a little helping hand to these children for few years can change the scenario and it can be lifelong investment in getting the pleasure of satisfaction to the donor family. So, here we consider bringing a revolutionary and meaningful change in the society.